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2016.08 - 2016.10



The infrastructure design usually falls without the participation of architects because infrastructure is always considered invisible facilities that satisfy the basic needs of the city, and performance is the only evaluation criterion of it while architecture is often seen as visible constructions.


However, some architectural practices and proposals have shown the potential of blurring the difference between architecture and infrastructure, and take landscape or public activities into consideration when designing the infrastructure. That is to take infrastructure partially as architecture. The poetic bridge image of the hill with a hole shows the architect’s desire to combine the design of architecture and infrastructure together, to make the performance of the infrastructure also the form of architecture.


This project aims to seek a new typology of seawall in order to create a reciprocal relationship between infrastructure and architecture. The performance demands of infrastructure help architecture with its form finding, while architecture reacts on infrastructure by providing a variety of utilities other than the original duty of the infrastructure. For example, a seawall would have double duty because of interaction with architecture-duty during peace time and during disaster time. A standard framework is needed in order to achieve the most efficient method of production. Small units of plug-ins with different functions are designed in order to fit the framework and meet the needs of public activities.

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